Traditional ethno picnic
2015-07-15 16:30

The annual business ethno picnic of the Association of European Business will take place on July 15th, 2015.
One of the goals of the AEB is to promote Belarusian national traditions and culture within the business community. Heads of leading European and Belarusian companies, as well as the AEB partner organizations, will learn more about Belarusian traditions and culture within this informal event.
The programme of the ethno picnic includes:
- an interactive tour "A journey to the past" in the museum "Strochitsy" with traditional games, dances and songs;
- tasting of national drinks, traditional dishes of Belarusian cuisine and dinner in the cozy ‘’Belarusian tavern’’;
- a quiz (with prizes for the correct answers) from the event emcee Gleb Labadzenka (initiator of the courses Mova Nanova);
- a performance of the ethno band "Vurai";
- a master class in Belarusian folk dancing from the traditional dance club "SІTA";
- a photo-shoot with elements of national clothes and attributes of folk life from the professional photographer Elena Gordeychik.
The ethno picnic will take place on July 15th (from 16.30 to 21.00) on the territory of the only Belarusian skansen “Strochitsy”. Please confirm your attendance to Ms. Katsiaryna Syrayezhkina by e-mail or phone +375 17 245 98 34 by June 26th at the latest. The participation fee for companies that are not members of the AEB is 990.000 Belarusian rubles.
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Чальцы АЕБ, якія ўдзельнічаюць у мерапрыемстве: