Swedish Institute Alumni Forum (SIAF)
2015-11-16 08:00

We invite you to participate in the SIAF, the first Swedish Institute Alumni forum on entrepreneurship, which will be held from November 16th to 24th, 2015 in Minsk. The Forum will take place within the Global Entrepreneurship Week.
The Swedish speakers are as follows: Mr. Mikael Lind, Executive Director of the Dedicated Institute, co-founder of Rag Bag and the Swedish brand Uniforms for the Dedicated, board member of the Mistra Future fashion; Mr. Arne Ellefors, CEO of the Swedish-Belarusian Business Association; Ms. Alessandra Kornale, Program manager at the International Council of Swedish Industry.
The Forum agenda:
Come over and learn what drives young Belarusian entrepreneurs, how come they wake up so early and what is the secret of their success. The event will be arranged in a new format for Minsk. This is a unique chance to listen to an inspiring speaker, interact with interesting people, have some coffee and dessert, and even make it to office on time.
Сontact information: ivan.tikota@gmail.com (Ivan Tikota), pavelma@kth.se (Pavel Makhnach)
17.40 – 18.00 |
Registration |
18.00 – 18.20 |
Swedish embassy welcome word
Mr. Magnus Sätterberg, second secretary at Embassy of Sweden |
18.20 – 18.40 |
SI welcome word Mr. Markus Boman, programme manager at Swedish Institute |
18.40 – 19.00 |
SI Alumni welcome word Mr. Aleh Kliatsko, SI alumnus |
19.00 – 19.30 |
Presentation of SI Alumni events held in 2014 - 2015 Mr. Pavel Makhnach & other SI alumni |
19.30 – 19.40 |
Announcement of SIAF events SI events managers |
19.40 – 20.00 |
Presentation on Swedish innovations Ms. Natalia Romeiko, SI alumna |
A vegetarian buffet will be organized at 19.00. |
Contact information: maryna.barouka@aebbel.by (Maryna Barouka), katsiaryna.syrayezhkina@aebbel.by (Katsiaryna Syrayezhkina)
9:30 – 10:00 |
Registration |
10:00 – 10:05 |
Welcome word Ms. Katsiaryna Syrayezhkina, Event manager, Head of International Affairs at Association of European Business (Minsk, Belarus) |
10:05– 10:25 |
Belarus-Sweden trade flows analysis Ms. Maryna Barouka, Vice-Chairman at Association of European Business |
10:25 – 11:00 |
Entrepreneurship – a road to market orientation. Swedish-Belarusian Business in a historic perspective Mr. Arne Ellefors, CEO at Swedish-Belarusian Business Association (Stockholm, Sweden) |
11:00 – 11:35 |
Incorporating innovation in business. Swedish experience Ms. Alessandra Cornale, Programme Manager at International Council of Swedish Industry (Stockholm, Sweden) |
11:35 – 12:00 |
TBD Representative of a local office of one of the Swedish companies doing business in Belarus |
12:00 – 12:30 |
Discussion Moderator – Ms. Maryna Barouka, Vice-Chairman at Association of European Business (Minsk, Belarus)) |
12.30 – 13.00 |
Fika, networking |
Contact information: maryna.barouka@aebbel.by (Maryna Barouka), katsiaryna.syrayezhkina@aebbel.by (Katsiaryna Syrayezhkina)
Mr. Arne Ellefors is a former Executive director of the Baltic Sea Tourism Commission. Now President in Travel & Trade International AB. He has been managing director in Destination Norrköping, head of the department of Regional Industrial Board and he had positions at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in New York, The General Swedish Export Association and Elmia, the international exhibition company.Arne was elected to the European Tourism Personality 1998 and received the Gold Star Award from the European Federation of Associations of Tourism Journalists.A certificate of recognition was 1998 presented to Mr. Ellefors from the governor of the City of St. Petersburg in recognition and appreciation of the outstanding contribution to the international tourism development of the city of St Petersburg. Project coordinator Destination Development process Panorama Dvina Daugava. Chairman Cultural Tourism Institute, co-editor Crossing Perspectives.
Ms. Alessandra Cornale has 15-year experience in managing international development projects in the area of private sector, employment and education, through capacity building, technical assistance and institutional strengthening in Northern, Southern and Eastern Africa, South East Asia and Caucasus as well as Belarus. After having managing projects at the International Department of the Swedish Public Employment Service for a number of years she has now moved on to the private sector working as a programme manager for the International Council of Swedish Industry, a business member association aiming at supporting the improvement of structural conditions for sustainable business in complex markets.
18:30 – 19:00 |
Arrival and registration |
19:00 – 19:10 |
Opening and introduction to the programme Aleh Kliatsko, Co-founder, Chairman of the NGO Global Playground Stockholm; Project Assistant at the Council of the Baltic Sea States |
19:10 – 19:40 |
Fashion Industry and Environment; Concepts of the Uniform for the Dedicated (Michael Lind - Sustainability Manager at Uniforms for the Dedicated |
19:40 – 19:50 |
break |
19:50 – 20:30 |
Creative workshop - break-out session in small groups where new business models and ideas in fashion will be discussed Moderators: Michael; Aleh |
20:30 – 21:00 |
Outcomes and feedback |
21:00 – 22:00 |
Networking mingle |
Contact information:: aleh.kliatsko@gmail.com (Aleh Kliatsko)
Michael Lind is executive director of Dedicated Institute, co-founder of the Rag Bag and Uniforms for the Dedicated and board member of the Mistra Future fashion. The partner of the event is Swedish fashion brand Uniforms for the Dedicated. ‘Uniforms’ is one of the few companies in the
fashion industry with a sustainable approach to creating their products – environmentally friendly and recycled materials are used for the production of their collections.
Aleh Kliatsko - In 2007-2009 - scholarship holder within the Swedish Institute Visby Program for master’s level studies at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. During his studies and research in Sweden, Aleh Kliatsko actively engaged in the Swedish Institute (SI) Network for Future Global Leaders (NFGL) and later he became one of the key players in the development of the SI alumni network. In this role, Aleh managed to secure several micro grants to organize thematic workshops in Sweden, Belarus, Russia, and Kenya on the topic of sustainability, urban behaviour patterns and energy saving. In 2012 Aleh Kliatsko established NGO Global Playground Stockholm focused on sustainability issuess. Since 2013 Aleh is chairman of this NGO.
09.30 – 10.00 |
Registration for the seminar TBD |
10.00 – 11.00 |
Transfer Minsk - Barok village |
11.10 – 11.20 |
Welcome address from organizers Ms Liudmila Fakeyeva, PhD in Geography, Ass. Prof. of the Department of Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Faculty of Geography, BSU, Minsk, Belarus Ms Maryna Barouka, PhD in Economy, Vice-Chairman of Association of European Business, Minsk, Belarus |
11.20 – 12.30 |
An ecological approach to tourism – practical implementation Mr Vasily Frolov, owner of Ecomuseum “World of Bees”, Valozhin district, Barok village |
12.30 – 12.50 |
Questions, discussion |
12.50 – 13.30 |
Traditional meal - pancakes with honey, herbal tea |
13.30 – 13.45
Sustainable tourism in Belarus - the current state and prospects of development Ms Maryna Barouka, PhD in Economy, Vice-Chairman of Association of European Business, Minsk, Belarus |
13.45 – 13.50
Human resources as a basis for eco-tourism development in rural areas of Belarus Ms Liudmila Fakeyeva, PhD in Geography, Ass. Prof. of the Department of Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Faculty of Geography, BSU, Minsk, Belarus |
13.50 – 14.20 |
Conclusion, Communication, Contacting Snacks, Coffee |
14.20 – 15.00 |
Transfer Barok village - Minsk |
Contact information: maryna.barouka@aebbel.by (Maryna Barouka), fokeeva@tut.by (Liudmila Fakeyeva)
11.00 – 11.15 |
Registration |
11.15 - 11.25 |
SIAF and its outcomes. SI Alumni – network in Belarus Natallia Rameika |
11.25 – 11.30 |
My Sweden. Personal experience of Belarusian SI Alumni Nastassia Varashylina, Pavel Makhnach |
11.30 – 11.45 |
Knowledge and Science. Nobel Prize Natallia Rameika, Lizaveta Korsak |
11.45 – 11.55 |
Små grodorna Nastassia Varashylina |
11.55– 12.15 |
Sverige-kalender – Presentation of the events, connected with Sweden, happening during the year Natallia Rameika, Lizaveta Korsak |
12.15 – 12.30 |
Quiz Natallia Rameika |
12.30 – 13.00 |
Swedish fika |
Contact information: natalliarameika@gmail.com (Natallia Rameika)
16.30 – 17.00 |
Registration and Mingle |
17.00 – 17.10 |
Welcome Word and Introduction |
17.10 – 18.00 |
Current Business Development of the IT/ICT sector in Sweden and Openings for Cooperation Magnus Larsson, sales director, Phoniro Systems AB (preliminary) |
18.00 – 18.15 |
Break |
18-15 – 18-45 |
Swedish-Belarusian Entrepreneurial Cooperation - Experience and Opportunities: Problem based discussions with focus on IT industry. Aliaksei Kazlou, moderator |
18.45 – 19.30 |
Discussion and FIKA |
Contact information: siarhei.manzhynski@belstu.by (Siarhei Manzhynski), aliaksei.kazlou@liu.se (Aliaksei Kazlou)
The number of seats is limited. Please fill in the form by November 1st at the latest in order to confirm your attendance.
The Association of European Business and the Centre for Swedish Studies are co-organizers and partners of the Forum.
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