Round table "Why is it impossible to cut the budgets for the Public Advisory Council in a period of economic depression?"

2016-03-03 11:00

On the eve of the 3rd annual award presentation of the Public Advisory Council in Belarus the "Idea" international social and economic fund and the Association of European Business will hold a debating round table concerning "Why is it impossible to cut the budgets for the Public Advisory Council in a period of economic depression?"

3 March, 2016 the representatives of socially active businesses will gather to discuss and show by personal examples the real effectiveness of the Public Advisory Council activities, regardless of the economic situation in the country.

Subject: Why is it impossible to cut the budgets for the Public Advisory Council in a period of economic depression?

Format: debating round table.

Date and time: March 3, from 11:00 to 13:30.

Event plan:

1. Presentation of the business environment annual survey in Belarus on the subject of the involvement in the Public Advisory Council by the "Idea" social and economic fund.

2. Experience of the Public Advisory Council active participants:

  • What has changed in the quality and effectiveness of business dealing after implementation of the Public Advisory Council principles in a company?
  • Budget for the Public Advisory Council in the times of crisis: on which Public Advisory Council elements is placing an emphasis and why?

3. Summary of debating

Moderator: Maryna Barouka, Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business.

To take part in the round table, please contact Olga Stoliarova, coordinator of the event, email or by phone +37529 3672411.

Also recall that the entry submission for the annual award for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is carried out till March 4th. The winners will be determined in the following categories: "Environment", "Culture", "Education", "Sport", "Healthy Lifestyle", "Interaction with Local Community", "Corporate Volunteering". There are other nominations that were introduced by organizers: "Person of the Year" and "Socially Responsible Media". The award ceremony of the III annual award in the field of corporate social responsibility will be held on March 18.

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