Seminar on Transfer Pricing and Controlled Debt

2016-02-26 15:30

February 26, 2016 the audit company Baker Tilly Bel hold a seminar for representatives of the AEB member companies on topical in 2016 theme – transfer pricing and controlled debt.

Since 2016 transfer pricing rules are applied under the control of the tax base for income tax. In comparison with previous years the volume of transactions is also expanded significantly, which prices are subjected to control.

Seminar speaker - Pavel Tsarev, Managing Partner of Baker Tilly Bel.

The event is held as part of the Loyalty Program of the Association of European Business, and it is free for the representatives of the AEB member companies. We invite companies with European capital and the leading Belarusian enterprises to the membership in the Association.


 72 Timiryazev Str., Minsk 

Месца правядзення:

Минск, улица Тимирязева, 72

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