The Association of European Business announces the sixth intake of mentors and shadows to participate in the action Job Shadow Days - 2017 in Minsk
2017-05-11 09:00

We invite the heads and specialists of companies to take part in the AEB initiative - Job Shadow Days from 11 to 21 May 2017! Job Shadowing is the Corporate Social Responsibility project of AEB members and has been implemented in Belarus since 2014.
What is the Job Shadow Days?
Job Shadowingis a popular on-the-job learning practice. The point of the program is to familiarize a student with a profession through shadowing an experienced person (mentor) in a real work environment during a work day.
What are the benefits for businesses?
The companies which have already participated in the initiative point out that Job Shadowing is an effective tool for a new job training of employees and head-hunting of those who share the corporate spirit of the company. The benefits for companies:
● being a mentor boosts the employee’s self-esteem and motivation, makes him more confident, shows the recognition of his high competencies by the employer;
● the engagement of the best and motivated students with fresh ideas and opinions, who can be invited to an externship in future;
● obtaining of future efficient and loyal employees whose achievements were noticed during the JSD;
● the opportunity to look at your job from a different angle and to remember the start of the career, your job expectations;
● white PR and the goodwill of student community to your company. Each student gives feedback about the day in the company, then the AEB team makes and publishes the article with photos on the site;
● the issue of “Otdel kadrov” magazine № 10, 2015 was dedicated to the previous participants of JSD.
You can read the feedbacks of the “shadows” about their mentors on the AEB site using the link
How much does it cost?
The Job Shadow Days are held for students and mentors on a free basis. If a company wants to support the organization of the action, to become a sponsor and a partner of JSD, please, contact Maryna Borovko, the vice-president of AEB, by phone +375291687001.
Who can become a mentor?
Specialists of commercial, preferably international, companies (from line employees to senior managers) in any professional field, e.g. services, marketing, law, GR, HR, economics, finance, IT, design, architecture, PR, communication, etc., as well as members of business associations.
If you want to be a mentor, please, fill out the application by clicking Deadline for applications from mentors - up to 10 p.m. 18 April 2017. Notifications of the coordinated participation will be sent to the selected mentors on 20 April. The intake of students and the agreeing on candidates for JSD with mentors will be from25 April to 8 May.
On any matter connected with the participation in the JSD, please, contact Angelina, the curator of the action and the AEB volunteer, by phone +375 29 1813820 or by mail
Who can participate as a "shadow"?
Students of the 2d-4th courses of Belarusian universities in the following specialties: marketing, law, economics / finance, IT, PR, HR, design, architecture and others. CV in Russian and preferences of the profession / professional sphere should be sent to
We will be glad to see you a mentor ofJOB SHADOW DAYS – 2017!
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