Summer Ethno-Picnic 2017
2017-07-27 16:00

The Association of European Businesstogether with the Investment Consulting Agency AEBwill hold a summer ethno-picnic on July 27, 2017 – the annual cultural event of the Association.
The heads of companies-members of the Association of European Business, their partners and representatives of international organizations will gather to get acquainted with Belarusian traditions and communicate in an informal atmosphere.
"Summer ethno-picnic" is a great opportunity to communicate with colleagues and gain new friends, try national dishes, learn a lot about the Belarusian culture. Participants will have a quiz with prizes on the history and culture of Belarus, learn old Belarusian songs and dances, have a master class on archery.
Venue – Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle.
The event starts at 16.00 with an excursion "Exposition zone "Padniaprouje" with the quest "Enchanted village" and a master class on flower compositions.
Tasting traditional dishes of the Belarusian cuisine and solemn opening of the ethno-picnic will begin at 17.30.
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