Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum Will Be Held on November 2-3, 2017

2017-11-02 11:00

The conference Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum KEF-2017 "Foundations of the Future" will be held on November 2-3, 2017.

Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum, KEF is a new open platform for a professional dialogue on Belarus’ sustainable development within the context of global economic development. KEF was established by the Research Center of the Institute for Privatization and Management in association with the Belarus Economic Research and Outreach Center (BEROC), the Association of European Business in Belarus and CASE Belarus. Forum brings together representatives of public authorities, academiс community, think tanks and international organizations as well as international experts and other stakeholders.

The project is funded by the European Union. Registered by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus on July 20, 2016 under No. 2/16/000810.

Месца правядзення:

Dipservice Hall, Minsk

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