Seminar "Transition of a State-Owned Enterprise to IFRS"
2018-03-23 09:00

Baker Tilly Bel, a member of the Association of European Business, will hold a seminar in Minsk "Transition of a state-owned enterprise to IFRS", which will consider current issues of transition to the International Financial Reporting System (IFRS).
The IPM Research Center co-organizes the seminar, the event is supported by the British Embassy in Minsk. Participation in the seminar is free, the program and registration is on the site of Baker Tilly Bel.
Месца правядзення:
Minsk, Dzerzhinsky ave, 1е (Renaissance Minsk Hotel)
Чальцы АЕБ, якія ўдзельнічаюць у мерапрыемстве: