Job Shadow Days will be held from May 14 to 23
2018-05-14 09:00

The Association of European Businesses announces the 7th initiative Job Shadow Days-2018 in Minsk. The partner of the initiative is JOBS.TUT.BY – a service for a job search and recruiting personnel in Belarus.
What is the Job Shadow Days?
The literal translation is "to follow like a shadow". It is a popular world practice for training in the workplace. The essence of the program: acquaintance of the student with the profession through the accompaniment of an experienced employee (mentor), whose "shadow" he/she will become, in a real working environment during the working day.
Why do companies do this?
The companies already participating in the initiative note that Job Shadowing is an effective tool for training employees themselves and finding new employees who share the corporate spirit of the company. Advantages for companies:
- the appointment of a staff member as a mentor increases his/her self-esteem and motivation, makes himself more confident, demonstrates the management's recognition of his/her high competencies;
- attraction to the company of the best and motivated students with fresh views and ideas, which in the future can be invited to the production practice;
- getting an effective and loyal employee in the future, "looked" during the JSD;
- the opportunity to look at the profession from a different angle and recall the beginning of the career, expectations;
- kind PR and endearing the student community to the company. Each student leaves a review about the day, on the basis of which the AEB team develops and publishes an article with photo participants on the site.
Who can be a mentor?
Specialists of private companies (from line employees to top managers) in any professional sphere, for example, marketing, law, GR, HR, economics, finance, IT, design, architecture, PR, etc., as well as employees of business associations, working in similar areas.
To become a mentor, please fill out the application form by clicking on the link. Applications are accepted until April 23, 2018 inclusive.
Notification of the approval of participation will be sent to selected mentors on 24 April.
Recruitment and coordination with the mentor of the candidacy of "shadow" for the JSD will be held from April 25 to May 8, 2018.
What for it to students?
For students, Job Shadow Days is a unique opportunity to learn more about the profession and company, to show oneself before a possible future employer and get an invaluable experience.
Students will see the actual application of what they are studying at universities, and "test" their interest in the chosen profession / field of activity. Thanks to the experience gained, they will have the opportunity to adjust the planned academic plan in accordance with their interests (the choice of optional subjects, the topics of course and / or diploma works, training and pre-diploma practices for targeted preparation for certain professional activities).
Mentors will familiarize students with the brand and philosophy of the company, professional capabilities within a particular structure.
Feedback from the shadow participants of past initiatives you can see on the AEB website.
Who can become a "shadow"?
Students of 1-4 courses of Belarusian universities of different specialties.
Resume in Russian with indication of the preferred mentor (s) are accepted by e-mail from April 25 to May 2, 2018.
The list of mentors and information about JSD companies will be published on the Association's website on April 24.
Notice of the approval of the candidacy of "shadow" will be sent only to selected students until May 8, inclusive. Selected students are required:
- Provide confirmation from the supervising department of the university about the possibility to take part in the JSD action. AEB will provide an information letter on the official letterhead indicating the name of the student and the date of the action.
- Make several photos during a JSD in the company (for example, selfie with a mentor).
- Provide a short review of the impressions of participating in JSD (2-5 paragraphs).
Participants who fulfill the necessary requirements and receive positive feedback from mentors will be awarded AEB certificates on the successful passage of JSD on May 25.
How much does it cost?
AEB does not charge participants for the participation in Job Shadow Dice neither from students, nor from companies.
But if the company wishes to support the organization of the action - to become a sponsor and partner of JSD - please contact Maria Karas, AEB Deputy Chairman, by phone +375296780000.
More questions?
For any questions regarding participation in the action, please contact the secretary of the Association at or by phone +375291679948.
We will be glad to see you among the participants of #JSD2018!
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