

The AEB is active in amending the legal framework, regulatory procedures and promoting good governance principles in Belarus by setting up sector and industry committees. Committees serve as a discussion platform, which unites members of the Association and where members and partners of the Association can discuss topical issues of the law enforcement in Belarus and relations between the government and the business and work out a joint position to represent it in the governmental agencies. Upon request of its members, the Association invites experts and representatives of ministries and governmental agencies to its committees.

Apart from ad hoc committees, which are called to discuss a burning issue caused by a change in the policy of Belarus or neighboring countries, there are several permanent committees in the Association:

Committee for Interaction with the EAEU

Legal Committee

Food Industry Committee

Plant Protection Products Committee

Taxation Committee

Each committee focuses on a particular industry or specific topics, giving the possibility for the members of the Association and invited specialists to engage in professional discussion. Members of the committees work together to find the best solutions to common problems, which European business face in Belarus, share experiences and receive an update on the latest trends in the industry, new products and services, market trends, thus enhancing their professional level.