What Color is the Pilot Project of the AEB?


The work on implementing the pilot project on the integrated waste management of the dairy enterprises of Vitebsk region initiated by the Association of European Business continues.

The project fully applies to the Green Economy segment, which is a very perspective direction especially for countries with limited natural resources.

In contrast to the projects related to the traditional "brown economy" green initiatives always pursue three objectives. In addition to economic (income, for example, from the production) it is important to implement environmental and social components which are 100% realistic in relation to the initiative being discussed.

If in relation to the alternative energy the country's strategic development program up to 2020 makes a clear figure of 7%, in relation to organic agriculture and industry there are no clear objectives yet. Today plans are only under development. Maryna Barouka, Deputy Chairman of the AEB, summed: "It is clear that the initiative of the Association of European Business, the pilot project on the integrated waste management of the dairy enterprises of Vitebsk region, will make an important contribution to the development of the organic industry and agriculture. Of course, it can and should be attributed to the "green" projects, where there is especially large role of small and medium business".

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