“Green Classic” of Modern Belarus

The pilot green initiative of the AEB, related to the safe utilization of curd whey, is a classic example of environmental initiatives implemented in modern Belarus. Such a conclusion can be made on the basis of a new research “PERCEPTION OF POPULATION ON GREEN ECONOMY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS”, which was completed in July 2017.
This research aims to identify gaps in public awareness of the "green" economy in different areas of the country. Information for it was collected from 529 respondents from six regions of the republic. The survey was also attended by a team of the Association of European Business jointly with the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University. Data analysis was carried out by UNDP with the support of Narrate ltd.
The authors of the report consider Eco-Innovations to be one of the main instruments of the modern green economy in Belarus. They are understood as “innovative products and processes that help to reduce environmental impact and maintain “stable functioning and consumption’”. At the same time, it is emphasized that eco-innovations are associated with the emergence of new types of economic activity, and sometimes even industries (for example, processing, reuse, etc.).
As a result of the research it was established that the main types of “green” activity in Belarus are environmental education, organic agriculture, farming and waste management. These areas of activity were most often referred to when mentioning additional income and / or benefits. It can be assumed that the population has the highest level of awareness or involvement in these activities related to “green” economy. Projecting data for the AEB pilot green initiative, it is clear that it is more than consistent with the findings of the research. And this means that it harmoniously fits into the needs of modern Belarus in the field of green economy.