Updated Workshop for the Production of Dry Whey at OJSC “Milkavita” in Khoiniki Started Its Work! 12.10.2017

In October 2017, an updated workshop for the production of dry whey at the production area of Polesie of OJSC “Milkavita” in Khoiniki started its work. The technical re-equipment was carried out thanks to the green initiative of the Association of European Business “Pilot Project of Comprehensive Treatment of Waste from Dairy Enterprises” in the framework of the project “Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus”, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.

Training Visit for Technologists from Dairy Enterprises of Belarus 02.10.2017

What is the significance of the correct utilization of dangerous curd whey? Will there be a real economic effect from the implementation of the initiative «Pilot Project of Comprehensive Treatment of Waste from Dairy Enterprises»? How to get financing for projects through International Technical Assistance? Participants of the training visit for technologists from dairy enterprises learned about this and not only while getting acquainted with the technology of processing of whey into finished products using the example of the modernized production area of Polesie of OJSC «Milkavita».

“Green Classic” of Modern Belarus 17.08.2017

The pilot green initiative of the AEB, related to the safe utilization of curd whey, is a classic example of environmental initiatives implemented in modern Belarus. Such a conclusion can be made on the basis of a new research “PERCEPTION OF POPULATION ON GREEN ECONOMY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS”, which was completed in July 2017.

Spray Nozzle Arrived in Belarus! 26.07.2017

The AEB pilot green initiative, associated with the safe disposal of curd whey in Gomel region, reached the home stretch.

Theory of Square of a Successful CSR Project 07.04.2017

In an interview for the main social portal of Belarus - Socnews.by, Maryna Barouka, Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business, shared her experience in implementing the "Pilot Project for Integrated Waste Management of Dairy Enterprises". This initiative is in the process of implementation and affects one of the most "not covered by grants" spheres.

A new stage in the implementation of the AEB pilot green project 16.03.2017

The pilot green project of the Association of European Business on the integrated waste management of dairy enterprises continues.

There is an Idea: to Capitalize on Dairy Waste. How to Get New Kinds of Products with Small Investments 19.10.2016

Last year the company, a member of the AEB (the Association of European Business) initiated a pilot project designed to provide a 100-percent recycling of production waste of dairy enterprises. Last year the project was sent to the contest of "green" initiatives and became one of 16 winners. It will be implemented by the AEB in partnership with "Factory of fruit flavors", a small company in Vitebsk, which produces food products on the basis of fruit and berry.

What Color is the Pilot Project of the AEB? 22.09.2016

The work on implementing the pilot project on the integrated waste management of the dairy enterprises of Vitebsk region initiated by the Association of European Business continues.

The installation is designed, the work with suppliers continues... 03.08.2016

«Green Economy» is a relatively new concept for Belarus. In Europe, ecological principles which our society is not yet fully ready to, are followed not the first decade. But now there are «green» programs in Belarus, which are supported, in particular, by international organizations.

100% Whey Processing For The Leader Of The Dairy Market 28.07.2016

Belarus feels confident in producing dairy products and supplying them to the world markets, not only European. Today, Belarus takes a 10% share of the global market of tallow oil, a 9% share in cheese-making, confident position in the top ten exporters of milk.

Request for Proposals for the Procurement, Installation and Adjustment of Equipment for Processing of Whey 15.06.2016

The Association of European Business is requesting business proposals for the procurement and adjustment of the equipment for the integrated waste management of the dairy enterprises of Vitebsk region.

AEB "Green" Initiative Will Receive EU Funding 02.11.2015

The Association of European Business prepared the application to participate in "green" initiatives contest (the grant component of the project), announced by the ITA Project Steering Committee "Supporting the transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus".

AEB Prepared the Application to Participate in "Green" Initiatives Contest 02.09.2015

The Association of European Business prepared the application to participate in "green" initiatives contest (the grant component of the project), announced by the ITA Project Steering Committee "Supporting the transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus".
