Theory of Square of a Successful CSR Project

In an interview for the main social portal of Belarus -, Maryna Barouka, Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business, shared her experience in implementing the "Pilot Project for Integrated Waste Management of Dairy Enterprises". This initiative is in the process of implementation and affects one of the most "not covered by grants" spheres.
We bring to your attention the main theses of the material.
«The economic area is the most unpopular for receiving donor support.
The AEB initiative is implemented within the framework of the project "Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy", which is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program. One of the strategic tasks of these donors is the development of a green economy. According to the rules of international technical assistance, the grantor can not finance the economy or commercial enterprises in its pure form (aid will be considered as an investment having purely commercial benefits). It is not easy to prepare a project that would be harmonious both in the sphere of solving social problems and economically profitable. In addition, the culture of positioning and promotion of social, environmental solutions in conjunction with business tasks is not widespread in Belarus. Our new "green" initiative for the utilization of curd whey is a large-scale project of corporate social responsibility of business (CSR) at the state level».
«The idea of recycling is not new. But at the same time waste is traditionally understood as household waste. But we started to process the curd whey, which is a by-product in the production of dairy products. It was found that the harm to the nature of one ton of whey is equal to the damage from 100 cubic meters of household wastewater. We decided to support in a desire to protect the ecology in their area or region».
«The project will install special equipment that can process 110 tons of curd whey every day into an important part of the feed for cattle. This ingredient is currently being purchased abroad. Savings will be about 12.9 thousand rubles a day. It is important to note that about 8000 calves can be fed by the resulting product per day».
«Without changing the structure or profile of the enterprise, we are introducing new green technologies. They solve existing environmental problems, and also bring an obvious economic benefit from the production of an import-substituting product. In addition, our project provides training for technologists of dairy processing enterprises, which will increase their level of environmental awareness and professional competencies».
«Under the new provision of the strategy of international technical assistance, some projects should be carried out in cooperation with the business, which is brought to the level of co-financing of "social" participants. In fact, we are talking about the bonuses that CSR gives: from the PR component to, as in our case, new equipment. Donors change the strategy, turning it towards business. And this is good, because finally in the chain "business - state - public organization - donor" begins the movement».