Training Visit for Technologists from Dairy Enterprises of Belarus


What is the significance of the correct utilization of dangerous curd whey? Will there be a real economic effect from the implementation of the initiative «Pilot Project of Comprehensive Treatment of Waste from Dairy Enterprises»? How to get financing for projects through International Technical Assistance? Participants of the training visit for technologists from dairy enterprises learned about this and not only while getting acquainted with the technology of processing of whey into finished products using the example of the modernized production area of Polesie of OJSC «Milkavita».

The training seminar was held on September 28. It became useful, interesting and informative for each of more than 40 participants from all over the country.

«We all work in the dairy industry, which means that we should share our experience in order to improve the quality of final products, to keep up with the times and, of course, to protect the environment. I believe that healthy competition and exchange of experience are the key to successful work in any field», - Vitaly Nikulin, Chief Engineer of OJSC «Milkavita», noted.

The event was divided into two parts. In the theoretical one, there were discussed important issues from the peculiarities of the production of the product «Whey-fat mixture with a mass fraction of fat of 30-40%» to the features of the technology of processing dairy waste on the equipment of Vzduchotorg company, which supplied the innovative for Belarus nozzle at OJSC «Milkavita». During the practical part, the participants went on a tour of the production line. Visually, capaciously and honestly – the training visit passed in this way.

We remind that the Initiative of the Association of European Business is implemented within the framework of the project «Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus», funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.