The AEB has requested clarifications from the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus on the procedure for setting selling prices for products within the framework of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 19.10.2022 No. 713 "On the price regulation system".
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in a joint event of the Representative Office of the German Economy in the Republic of Belarus and the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus "Project "Incubator to support the socialization and employment of young people with special needs".
The Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus is forming a list of questions for consideration at meetings of the Advisory Council in the first half of 2025. If you have questions that fall within the competence of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, please send them to the AEB e-mail address, with a justification attached, before February 7, 2025.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus sent clarifications on business trips to the AEB.
The draft Law of the Republic of Belarus "On state regulation of production, circulation and consumption of tobacco raw materials, tobacco products, non-tobacco nicotine-containing products, liquids for electronic smoking systems, electronic smoking systems and systems for tobacco consumption" has been submitted for public discussion.
The Association of European Business sent its comments and proposals within the framework of the procedures of the Regulatory Impact Assessment of the draft technical regulation "Technical Regulation on Nicotine-Containing and Nicotine-Free Products" conducted by the Department for Development of Entrepreneurial Activity of the EEC.
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus.
The AEB has sent a request to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection to provide clarification on the issue of sending employees on business trips to nearby settlements for a period of less than one working day.
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the round table "Parent-Friendly Companies". The round table summed up the results of the implementation of the Initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus "Parent-Friendly Companies" in 2024.
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the Responsible Business Forum, organized by the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus.
Deputy Chair of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Justice. During the meeting, the participants considered the prospects for using mediation in the activities of business entities.
Deputy Chair of the Association of European Business Maria Karas acted as an expert within the framework of the event "Technical regulation and conformity assessment in the Eurasian Economic Union" held by the Association of European Businesses in the Russian Federation.
The proposals of the Association of European Business were taken into account by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation when finalizing the draft technical regulation of the Russian Federation "On the safety of chemical products".
The Ministry of Economy is conducting systematic work to analyze current requirements in the field of fire, sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary safety and other areas of activity, with the aim of creating a favorable business environment by eliminating as much as possible outdated and excessive requirements for business.
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. During the meeting, the participants agreed on the draft Law "On Amending Laws on Water Protection and Use".
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the presentation of the Incubator project to support the socialization and employment of young people with special needs.
As part of the public discussion, proposals on amendments to the draft technical regulations of the Russian Federation "On the safety of chemical products" have been sent to the AEB.
As part of the work as part of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the draft Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Amending Laws on Water Protection and Use" has been sent to the Association for consideration. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the draft law, please send them to the AEB e-mail address before 16.10.2024.
The Association of European Business was invited by the Department for Development of Entrepreneurship of the EEC to participate in the regulatory impact assesment procedure of the draft amendments to the technical regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 035/2014 "Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products".

Deputy Chairmen of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the General Meeting of the Global Compact Network in Belarus. The General Meeting was attended by top managers of the Network member companies, such as BSB Bank, Sberbank, MTBank, GRINreznitsa, BMZ, MZBN, as well as invited guests - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Yuri Ambrazevich, UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus Rasul Bagirov and top managers of the largest Belarusian organizations.
Deputy Chairperson of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The draft resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission "On Amendments No. 1 to the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the Safety of Fish and Fish Products" (TR EAEU 040/2016)" was submitted for consideration by the members of the council as part of the intrastate coordination procedure.

The Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus. The meeting considered the draft Resolution of the Council of Ministers on the establishment and liquidation of representative offices and branches of foreign companies. =
The Ministry of Taxes and Duties has submitted for public discussion a draft resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties "On Amending the Resolutions of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus dated May 3, 2021 No. 17 and dated May 16, 2024 No. 18". The draft resolution, among other things, provides for the introduction of labeling with identification means of soft drinks and juices from February 1, 2025.
The Association of European Business, as part of its activities as part of the working group on the development of the technical regulations of the EAEU “Technical Regulations for Nicotine-Containing Products,” sent a special opinion regarding the new version of the project, considered at the meeting of the working group on July 16-17, 2024.
The Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus is collecting proposals for inclusion in the plan of council meetings for the second half of 2024, attaching justifications for the issues proposed for consideration.
The Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas and representatives of AEB member companies took part in a meeting of the EEC working group on the development of the draft “Technical Regulations for Nicotine-Containing Products”.
In response to the AEB’s position on the issue of recognizing Gosstandart Resolution No. 33 as a barrier in the internal market of the EAEU, the Association received a letter from the EEC containing gratitude for sending information and indicating a delay in the entry into force of the Resolution until January 1, 2025.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the event on the development of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Minsk Region, organized by the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, with the support of UNDP within the framework of the sessions “Innovation and Investment” and “Green Economy”.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. During the meeting, the participants agreed on the draft Law “On Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Subsoil Resources”.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.
Deputy Chair of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the Second National Sustainable Development Forum, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus.
In response to a request from the Association of European Businesses, the National Center for Intellectual Property sent clarifications on the use of computer programs and software within the framework of compliance with the requirements for protecting the interests of the copyright holder.
Representatives of member companies and employees of the Association of European Business took part in a jointly organized event of the Global Compact Local Network in Belarus dedicated to World Environment Day.
The Deputy Chair Maria Karas and representatives of member companies of the Association of European Business took part in the conference "Strengthening the Republic of Belarus capacity for Sustainable Development Goals achievement: Strategies and Partnerships in the context of Modern Challenges and the Climate Agenda", organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the UN Office in Belarus.
The Association of European Business, as part of its activities as member of the working group on the development of the technical regulations of the EAEU “Technical regulations for nicotine-containing products,” sent its comments and suggestions regarding the new edition of the draft.
As a result of the monitoring, it was revealed that Resolution No. 33 established additional requirements not provided for by the acts of the EAEU, which are seen as signs of a barrier.
Deputy Chair of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the conference "Towards the Future: Intensifying Climate Action", organized by the office of the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Businesses, within the framework of public discussion, sent its comments and suggestions regarding the draft resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus “On amending the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 29, 2011 No. 1030 and April 23, 2021 No. 250” on issues of labeling and traceability of goods.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas made a presentation “Sustainable Development Goals. Opportunities and Challenges for Business” as part of the “ESG-day in Grodno” conference, organized by the FEZ “Grodnoinvest” together with the consulting company ASER and the rating agency BIK Ratings.
The Association of European Business sent to the EEC a request about the measures taken by the EEC to respond to the State Committee for Standardization Resolution No. 33, in particular about the consideration of the issue of recognizing the Gosstandart Resolution as a barrier in the internal market of the EAEU.
On April 4, 2024, a meeting of the Association of European Business Food industry committee was held.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the webinar “Just Transition: Risk Management Through Due Diligence”, organized by the UN Global Compact network in the UK.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the event “Sustainable Development & ESG”, organized by the Representative Office of the German Economy in the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
The AEB's proposals to amend the draft Technical Regulations for nicotine-containing products are supported by the EEC Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation. The association pointed out the inadmissibility of excluding certain types of nicotine-containing products from the scope of the draft TR.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the State Committee for Standardization to amend State Standards Resolution No. 33 dated May 4, 2023 “On the requirements for determining the quantity of packaged goods,” which approved the provision “On establishing requirements for determining the quantity of packaged goods, its rules instructions on packaging, during production (packing) and (or) sale of packaged goods."
The annual general meeting of AEB members was held on February 15, 2024 in person. At the event, the report on the activities of the AEB for 2023 (including a report on the financial position of the AEB, the results of work with government bodies and international organizations, the results of the work of AEB committees) and the work plan for 2024 were reviewed and approved.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the working group at the Scientific Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the purpose of which is to develop ways to increase the role and socio-economic importance of business unions and associations in the development of regulatory regulation and activities of the PAC.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the webinar “Supporting women in the workplace”, organized by You social. The webinar examined the benefits of introducing business strategies to achieve gender equality and best support practices.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. During the meeting, the participants reviewed and agreed upon the draft resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties “On amending the resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus dated January 3, 2019 No. 2.”
The National Center for the Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Belarus sent the AEB, as part of informing business entities, clarifications on the procedure for processing and handling personal data.
The Association of European Business, as part of its work as part of the PAC under the Ministry of Economy, sent proposals in the council’s work plan for 2024. The Association proposed to consider a number of contradictions between national legislation and the norms of the EAEU, etc.
The comments of the Association of European Business were taken into account by the Ministry of Economy when considering the draft Methodological Recommendations for creating a database of business associations.
The Association of European Business sent comments and suggestions to the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the EEC regarding the Draft Decision of the EEC Council “On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products” (TR 035/2014). It was proposed to eliminate a number of conflicts between the provisions of the draft and the current regulation, expand the possibilities of involving third-party laboratories in the analysis, etc.
The Association of European Businesses, as part of its work as part of the PAC under the Ministry of Economy, sent proposals to optimize the administrative burden on business.

The AEB proposals to improve the draft decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On amendments to the Rules for determining the origin of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union” were supported by the EEC Trade Policy Department.
The Association of European Business co-organized the panel session "Investments in the new reality" within the framework of the Belarusian Investment Forum.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the conference “Towards a sustainable future: ESG challenge”.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas presented the experience of AEB Belarus in interaction with the EAEU bodies and participation in improving technical regulation at the AEB Russian Federation event. AEB Belarus presented its experience of working with technical regulations on food products, on the safety of packaging, on the safety of chemical products and the draft technical regulations for nicotine-containing products.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the working group on the development of technical regulations for nicotine-containing products.
The Association of European Business took part in a meeting of the advisory council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. During the meeting, issues of filling out tax returns During the meeting, issues of filling out income tax returns, supplementing declarations with an annex on the composition of benefits used, and dividing the VAT tax return (calculation) form into two separate tax returns were discussed.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy to improve the work of PAC as part of a survey conducted by the institute on the quality of taking into account business interests when government bodies make regulatory decisions that affect the conditions for carrying out business activities.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus supported the proposals of the AEB to amend technical regulations 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, providing for uniformity of: mandatory requirements for food products established in technical regulations and the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements; requirements for rationing caffeine content.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Agency for Servicing and Reengineering to optimize administrative procedures for registering plant protection products, obtaining a quality certificate for exported bakery products and obtaining a veterinary certificate for the cross-border movement of regulated objects.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. As part of the agenda of the council meeting, key changes in tax legislation from January 1, 2024 and innovations in legislation on the procedure for assigning and calculating benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth were considered.
In connection with the introduction in the Eurasian Economic Union from 2024 of a procedure for assessing the actual impact of acts of the EAEU bodies on the conditions for carrying out business activities, the Association of European Business organized a meeting of AEB members with the director of the Center for Assessing the Regulatory Impact of the Institute of State and Municipal Administration of the Higher School of Economics, Daniil Tsygankov.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the EAEU Trade Policy Department to adjust the draft decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On amendments to the Rules for determining the origin of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (non-preferential rules for determining the origin of goods).”
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the webinar “The Mysterious “S”...or why business began to focus on the social agenda”.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas made a report "BUSINESS: QUO VADIS?" within the framework of the business meeting “Sustainable Development & Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance ESG”, organized by the Representative Office of the German Economy in Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus. During the meeting, members of the council reviewed the draft Ministry Resolution “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for investigating construction accidents on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.”
The Association of European Business, as part of its work as member of the PAC under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, sent its comments and suggestions regarding the draft National Strategy for the Development of the Circular Economy of the Republic of Belarus for the period until 2035.
The Entrepreneurship Department of the Ministry of Economy and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies are conducting a survey of small and medium-sized businesses on topical issues of doing business.

Deputy Chair of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the seminar "Development of corporate strategic documents in the field of sustainable development and ESG", organized by the UN Global Compact network in the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Business, within the framework of its activities as part of the working group on the development of the EAEU technical regulation on nicotine-containing products, sent a bulletin to the developer of the technical regulation: the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, expressing support for the continuation of work on the requirements for nicotine-containing products from heated tobacco and oral consumption products within the framework of this technical regulations.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the advisory council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.
The Association of European Business, with the support of Japan Tobacco International, organized the implementation of the project to create a Japanese garden on the basis of the State Scientific Institution "Central Botanical Garden of Belarus".
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the events of the 8th sustainable development week, organized with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the UN Global Compact National Network in Russia.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. Within the framework of the meeting, the members of the Council considered the draft Guidelines for the formation of a database on business associations for the formation of public advisory (expert) councils for the development of entrepreneurship and councils for the development of entrepreneurship.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus. At the meeting of the council, issues arising from the interaction of peasant (farm) enterprises with the open joint-stock company Promagroleasing and the State Property Committee were considered.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
The Association of European Business co-organized the event of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus, dedicated to the World Environment Day. The event was organized on the basis of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Businesses has sent proposals to the Standing Commission on Agrarian Policy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to correct the draft law of the Republic of Belarus "On amendments to the law of the Republic of Belarus "On Quarantine and Plant Protection".
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus on improving the work of public advisory councils.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas and AEB Chief Accountant Marina Krivosheeva took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus. Within the framework of the meeting, issues of optimizing the procedure for accounting for non-operating expenses and the application of an investment deduction and proposals from business unions to optimize legislative requirements for business entities were considered.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the Digital Banking 2023 Conference organized by Infopark-project CJSC. The conference was attended by representatives of the largest Belarusian banks and NCFOs, government agencies and organizations. The participants shared their vision of the development of the banking and financial sector in the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the thematic meeting "Digital Transformation of Public Administration", organized by the Agency for Service and Reengineering as part of the TIBO-2023 exhibition.
The Association of European Business sent comments regarding the draft methodology "Self-assessment of associations (unions) and business associations with the possibility of their subsequent rating" to the Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy. Based on the results of consideration of the draft methodology, the inconsistency of its means of realizing the established goal of revitalizing the activities of business associations within the framework of public advisory councils and increasing their socio-economic significance was determined. In addition, measures are proposed to improve the functioning of the institute of the OKS, which will enhance the role of business unions and associations.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the working group following the public discussion of the draft technical regulation for nicotine-containing products.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. During the meeting, the members of the council considered the proposal of the Ministry of Economy to introduce a rating system for business unions and associations in order to intensify their activities within the framework of public advisory councils and increase their socio-economic significance.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for entrepreneurship development under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.

Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Public Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy on improving the procedure for implementing the administrative procedure 3.9.2. “Obtaining a conclusion on the compliance of the construction facility being commissioned with permits and design documentation (in terms of environmental safety)” as part of the regulatory impact assessment conducted by the Institute.
The Annual General Meeting of the AEB Members was held on February 21, 2022 in person. The event reviewed and approved the AEB activity report for 2022 (including the report on the financial position of the AEB, the results of work with government bodies and international organizations, the results of the work of the AEB committees) and the work plan for 2023.
On March 16, 2023, the consulting company ASER and the rating agency BIK Ratings, with the support of the Association of European Business, are organizing a business breakfast "ESG in Belarus: cases, strategies, ratings". The event will discuss the present and future of the ESG market in Belarus, the speakers will share what has already been done in the ESG arena in our country.
Representatives of the Association of European Business took part in the webinars "Innovations in tax legislation in the Republic of Belarus in 2023" and "Innovations in accounting from 2023", organized by the Representative Office of the German Economy in the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Business collects proposals within the framework of changes in legislation planned by the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade on the issue of advertising games.
As part of the work as member of the advisory council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus, the Association of European Business collects proposals for inclusion in the plan of council meetings in 2023.

Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the repeated meeting of the Public Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Public Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for the development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas made a presentation of the AEB Projects on Entrepreneurship Development among Youth at the People section of the Responsible Business Forum organized by the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus.

Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for entrepreneurship development under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
In response to the request of the Association of European Business, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus confirmed the relevance of the clarifications of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade on the application of the requirements of the legislation on price regulation.
The Association of European Business sent questions, comments and proposals to the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade regarding the price growth regulation established by Directive No. 10 and Resolution No. 713.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. During the meeting, the members of the council presented the difficulties and problematic aspects that arise for business entities as a result of the application of the price regulation established by Directive No. 10 of 06.10.2022 and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 10.19.2022 No. 713.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas is included in the working group on the draft technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union "Technical regulation for nicotine-containing products".
Thanks to the efforts of the Association of European Business, from March 1, 2023, restrictions on the use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate and a mixture of recycled polyethylene terephthalate with basic primary polyethylene terephthalate in the production of food packaging are lifted in the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the conference "Sustainability and Circular Economy in Textile Sector" organized by the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for entrepreneurship development under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for the development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.
On September 20, 2022, the Association of European Business, with the support of BAT Belarus, held a conference “The consumer market of tobacco and nicotine-containing products in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Pricing, taxation and some other aspects”.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Public Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas and AEB Chief Accountant Marina Krivosheeva took part in the general meeting of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the International Forum for Economic Cooperation, organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the meeting of members of the BelCCI in Minsk and the Minsk region.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas and representatives of AEB member companies took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade on the issue of the draft Law of the Republic of Belarus "On amendments to laws on trade and public catering".
On August 24, 2022, the Association of European Business, together with the Association of Advertising Organizations, held a round table to consider the application of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 31, 2022 No. 131 “On the development of the media”.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for the development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Public Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for the development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Coordinating Council of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus.
As part of the activities to reduce the administrative burden, the AEB sent additional clarifications to the Service and Reengineering Agency on the need to exclude the procedure for state registration of advertising games.
As part of the implementation of a comprehensive plan to support the economy, in the Republic of Belarus until 12/31/2022, the moratorium on the application of liability measures of art. 13.12 "Violation of the procedure for the acquisition, storage, use in production, transportation, dispensing and sale of goods" of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses for failure to ensure the use of electronic invoices in the circulation of goods marked with unprotected means of identification.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for the development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas is included in the working group to reduce the administrative burden on business under the Service and Reengineering Agency of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the Thematic meeting "New approaches to reengineering and digitalization of administrative procedures", organized by JSC "Agency for Service and Reengineering" as part of the TIBO 2022 forum.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Public Advisory Council for Entrepreneurship Development under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the UN Forum "Principles for Responsible Management Education".
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.
As part of the work as part of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus, the Association of European Business sent comments and proposals regarding the draft resolution of the Ministry of Finance "On the reporting period for recording business transactions in accounting."
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
AEB Deputy Chairman Maria Karas and Chief Accountant Marina Krivosheeva took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus. During the meeting, the issues of determining the dates of business transactions, reflecting revenue from the implementation of design work, administering the ESCF and a number of other aspects were considered.
DanoneBel has become a new member of the Association of European Business. Today the company sells in Belarus a wide range of products under the brands Aktimel, Activia, Rastishka, Smeshariki, Danissimo, Danone, Tema, Prostokvashino.
Representatives of the Association of European Business took part in an environmental event dedicated to the Earth Day, organized by the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus on the basis of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Agency for Service and Reengineering to reduce the administrative burden as part of the second stage of optimizing administrative procedures.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus.
Members of the Committee of the Association of European Business on plant protection products took part in the round table "Prospects for the development of a common market for seeds of agricultural plants within the EAEU", organized by the Department of Agro-Industrial Policy of the EAEU.
The AEB Annual General Meeting was held on February 17, 2022 online using electronic communication. At the event the annual report of the AEB for 2021 was approved (including the report on the financial position of the AEB, the results of work with government agencies and international organizations, the results of the work of the AEB committees).
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, in Resolution No. 51 dated January 27, 2022, took into account the AEB proposal to lift restrictions on the import of other food products from the EU countries (TN VED 1901 90, 2106 90)
The company "Scandinavia Consult" LLC has been accepted as a member of the Association of European Business. The company provides consulting and other services in the field of dairy farming and crop production.
Deputy Chairmen of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the final conference of the “Doing Business in Your Area” initiative organized by the Belfranchising Association within the framework of the “Supporting Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus” project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the 115th meeting of the working group of the Eurasian Economic Commission on assessing the regulatory impact of draft decisions of the EEC. During this meeting, the AEB presented the position of the business community of the Republic of Belarus on the phytosanitary requirements for tobacco products.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the 23nd meeting of the Coordinating Council of the EU-UNDP Project "Support to Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus".
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the webinar presentation "The concept of standardization of services for SME support infrastructure entities".
Glovoapp Bel LLC has become a member of the European Business Association. The company specializes in the delivery of dishes from restaurants, groceries from stores and other non-food items and is one of the largest in the industry.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the 2nd Regional Entrepreneurship Forum "The Contribution of Regional Entrepreneurship to the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals", organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus with the support of the European Union, International Finance Corporation and UNDP.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the annual Customs and Logistics Forum of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce. The forum participants considered topical issues of foreign economic activity, logistics, customs and technical regulation.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in an online meeting of the Working Group "Law, Taxes, Finance and Controlling" at the Representative Office of the German Economy in the Republic of Belarus. During the meeting, the participants considered key changes expected to be introduced into the Tax Code from 2022.
The State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus took into account the proposal of the Association of European Business to abolish the division of the term "batch" into categories "at the manufacturer" and "in the retail network" when making changes to STB 2160-2011 "Bakery products. Acceptance rules, sampling methods, methods determination of organoleptic characteristics and weight ".
The proposals of the Association of European Business, sent within the framework of the procedure for assessing the regulatory impact carried out by the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the EEC, were taken into account in the new version of the draft amendments No. 4 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Food products in terms of their labeling" (TR CU 022/2011).
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in an online meeting of the working group "Law, Taxes, Finance and Controlling" at the Representation of the German Economy in the Republic of Belarus. The participants discussed the procurement of building materials in the context of price regulation, procurement of imported building materials and the consequences of violation of legislation in this industry.
The proposals of the Association of European Business, directed within the framework of the procedure for assessing the regulatory impact carried out by the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the EEC, were taken into account in the new version of draft No. 4 in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On packaging safety" (TR CU 005/2011).
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the UN Global Compact Business Ambition for Climate Action within the framework of the 26th UN conference on climate change.
The Association of European Business sent its comments and suggestions regarding the draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On measures to improve state regulation of the consumer market" to MART.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Coordinating Council of the UN Global Compact Network in Belarus. During the meeting, the participants considered the candidacies of representatives of member companies of the State Duma for inclusion in the council, as well as the possibility of joint implementation of projects in the field of CSR.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council for the development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus. During the meeting, the participants considered and preliminary agreed upon the draft Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus" On Environmental Protection "".
The Association of European Business sent its proposals on ensuring the recognition of an EDS in an electronic document and ensuring the legal force of electronic documents in cross-border interaction of economic entities of the EAEU countries to the Department of Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Communications and Informatization.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the conference "ESG and sustainable development. Is Belarusian business ready for this?"
Deputy Chairman of the AEB Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the public advisory council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. The members of the council agreed on the draft resolution "On approval of the Instruction on accounting for production waste".
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the 22nd meeting of the Coordinating Council of the EU-UNDP Project "Support to Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus".
The AEB proposals were taken into account by the Ministry of Finance when finalizing the norms of the draft Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Amending Certain Laws of Belarus" in terms of classifiers of excise taxes on tobacco products in 2022.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the online meeting of the working group "Law, Taxes, Finance and Controlling" at the Representative Office of the German Economy in Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Karas Maria took part in the meeting of the advisory council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. At the meeting, draft resolutions were considered that provided for the expansion of the possibility of using additional methods of making non-cash payments for purchased goods (works, services) and settling other issues.
The proposal of the Association of European Business on the abolition of price regulation (limitation of the maximum wholesale / trade mark-up) in relation to baby food was taken into account in the Resolution of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade dated September 1, 2021 No. 59 "On the regulation of prices for socially important goods"
Vice Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the seminar "UN Global Compact Accelerator - SDG Ambition as a Growth Point for Your Business"
Proposals sent by the AEB in relation to the draft decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission "On amendments to some decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission" on raw tobacco, according to the published summary of proposals received during the public discussion will be considered at a meeting of the working group on direction "Phytosanitary Measures".
Vice Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the International Conference "Inclusive Employment - World Practice".
Vice Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the Public Advisory Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
The AEB's position on reducing the import customs duty on orange pulp for juice products (TN VED 2008 code 30 900 1) to 5.5% was taken into account by the Belgospischeprom concern when drawing up the country position of the Republic of Belarus as part of the discussion of this issue in the EAEU.
The Association of European Business sent its comments and proposals on the Draft Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission "On Amending Certain Decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission" on phytosanitary measures to the Belarusian State Concern of the Food Industry.
Vice Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Business sent its comments and suggestions within the framework of public discussion of the draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On measures to improve state regulation of the consumer market".
The Association of European Business has sent candidates to the EEC for inclusion in the working group on the development of technical regulations for nicotine-containing products.
Vice Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the project "Support to economic development at the local level in the Republic of Belarus".
Vice Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the Coordinating Council of the UN Global Compact network in Belarus.
By order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus dated 05.25.2021 No. 124r, the composition of the Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship was approved. Among the members, including the chairman of the Association of European Business, Andrey Mickiewicz.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in an absentee meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, where a poll for establishing the Day of an Entrepreneur was discussed.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in an event dedicated to the presentation of a report prepared by the UNECE on the impact of COVID-19 on the activities of Belarusian small and medium-sized enterprises.
Representatives of the Association of European Business within the framework of the HR Committee took part in a virtual meeting “Prospects for the development of the vocational education and training system in the Republic of Belarus and the role of civil society organizations”, organized by the World Bank Office in the Republic of Belarus.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the online seminar "Green Banking: Features and Prospects for the Republic of Belarus", organized by the BEROC Research Center on May 13, 2021.
The Association of European Business took part in the 17th meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Project "Support to Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus", which took place online on May 7, 2021.
The Association of European Business sent its comments and suggestions to the draft resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus "On the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 10, 2011 No. 243" on the labeling of goods.
The Association of European Business proposed to exclude the positions "ethanol" and "nicotine" from Appendix 7 of the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of chemical substances and mixtures of the Eurasian Economic Union, since their description and assignment to the type does not correspond to the Globally Harmonized System of Hazard Classification and Labeling of Chemical Products
The proposals of the Association of European Business were taken into account in the draft of the Resolution of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus "On the classification of trade objects by types and kinds".
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Department of Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus on amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus in the framework of the preparation of the Draft Law "On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus".
The Association of European Business, as a member of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Tax Collection of the Republic of Belarus, sent its comments and proposals on the draft resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies "On amending the Resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus No. 2 dated January 3, 2019".
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Mikhailovna Karas and AEB Legal Adviser Pavel Vasilyevich Yusupov took part in the VIII International Forum "Anti-counterfeit".
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in the round table "Regulatory Policy: Problems and Prospects of Reform", organized by the Scientific Research Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
The proposals of the Association of European Business to improve the EAEU Technical regulations (TR) 041/2017 "On the safety of chemical products" were sent by the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the Eurasian Economic Commission to the responsible developer of the regulation - the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the order of the Prime Minister dated September 8, 2020 No. 177r, an interdepartmental working group was created to consider the development and support of the export of goods and services. First Deputy Prime Minister Nikolay Snopkov was appointed as the head of the group. The group includes the chairman of the Association of European Business Andrey Mitskevich.
The Association of European Business within the framework of public discussion of the Draft Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus "On amendments to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 22, 2014 No. 703", conducted by the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, sent a number of comments and suggestions.
The Association of European Businesses, within the framework of the public discussion of the Draft Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union "On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union" On the Safety of Chemical Products "TR EAEU 041/2017" held by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, sent its comments and suggestions.
On June 30, 2020, a special online session was held dedicated to meeting the new Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, Mrs. Sanda Ojiambo.
Deputy Chairman of the AEB Maria Karas is included in the coordinating council of the Global Compact Network in Belarus - the participants of the UN Global Compact Local Network in Belarus unanimously voted for her candidacy within the framework of the virtual session of the General Assembly.
The Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade listened to the opinion of the Association of European Businesses and other business unions and made changes to the state regulation of prices for socially important goods.
According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2020 No. 184 "On temporary measures to stabilize the situation in the consumer market", the Government of the Republic of Belarus is introducing measures to limit the monthly increase in selling prices (tariffs) for all goods (services) in April-June 2020 at the level of no more than 0.5% compared to the prices in effect as of April 1, 2020. According to the norms of Resolution No. 184 (paragraphs 1, 2), these restrictions apply to organizations of all forms of ownership.
The Association of European Businesses sent an appeal to the Council of Ministers in which it proposed a number of measures aimed at supporting the tourism industry and the economy of Belarus as a whole.
Despite the decision following the results of a joint meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and the State Customs Committee to refuse to support the position of the AEB on the exclusion of the wording "Plant protection products" from the title of section 2.30 of Appendix 2 to the decision of the EEC Board dated April 21, 2015 No. 30, the Association reiterated sent her reasoned position to the Foreign Ministry, where she indicated a possible solution to the current situation.
The annual general meeting of the AEB members was held on March 11, 2020 at the office of the Association. At the event, the Chairman of the General Meeting for 2020 was elected, the annual report of the AEB for 2019 was approved (including the report on the financial position of the AEB, the results of work with government bodies and international organizations, the results of the work of the AEB committees).
JTI in Belarus received the Top Employer Belarus 2020 and Top Employer Europe 2020 certification from the Top Employers international institute for evaluating the best employers.
Dow became a new member of the Association of European Businesses. The company has a wide range of technology solutions, integrated assets, innovation, and a global presence. All this helps the company to achieve profitable growth and become the most innovative, customer-oriented, inclusive and sustainable company in the field of knowledge-intensive materials.
Fifteen years ago, under the JTI license, the production of the first international brands of cigarettes was launched in Belarus at the facilities of Tabak-invest LLC (Minsk). The Association of European Businesses congratulates its member, Japan Tobacco International ASD (JTI), on this date.
The Association of European Businesses, as member of the Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus, sent to the Ministry their comments and suggestions on the draft resolution of the Ministry of Taxes "On Amending the Decree of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus of January 3, 2019 No. 2".
On January 24, 2020, a meeting of the Public Advisory (Expert) Council under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction took place. The agenda included discussion of the draft Decree of the Council of Ministers "On Amending Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 21, 2014 No. 252" and the Decree of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction "On Amending the Decision of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus of May 2, 2014 No. 25".
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food supported the position of the Association of European Businesses on the incorrect title of section 2.30 “Plant protection products and other persistent organic pollutants to be used in laboratory-scale research, as well as a reference standard” for the list of goods for which the importation procedure has been established to the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by the decision of the Board.
At a meeting of the public advisory (expert) council for entrepreneurship development under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, where licensing of certain types of activities was discussed, AEB Deputy Chairman Maria Karas spoke.
The Association of European Businesses together with the State Scientific Institution “Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, with the support of the International Finance Corporation, held a training seminar on December 6, 2019 on the topic “Methods of working with the procedure for predicting the consequences of the adoption (publication) of regulatory legal acts”, designed for representatives of public authorities and administrations of the Republic of Belarus involved in the rule-making and law-making activity.
On October 31, 2019, AEB Deputy Chairman Maria Karas participated in a meeting of the public advisory (expert) council on entrepreneurship development under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
The Association of European Businesses together with the Lithuanian Business Confederation and the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is launching the CREAzone project in Belarus as part of the Lithuania-Latvia-Belarus cross-border cooperation program.
The Association of European Businesses held the eighth Job Shadow Days-2019 initiative in Minsk. RABOTA.TUT.BY was a partner of JSD - a job search and recruitment service in Belarus.
Maria Karas, AEB Deputy Chairman, spoke at a round table on April 3, “The Impact of PET Containers and Glass Packaging on the Investment and Export Potential of the Bottled Water and Soft Drinks Industry”.
On April 2, 2019, a meeting with representatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) was held at the AEB office. The organization is a forum where governments can exchange their experiences in resolving political problems, get answers to common questions, learn about the positive experiences of other countries and coordinate their national and foreign policies.
On March 13, 2019, the annual general meeting of AEB members was held at the office of the Association of European Businesses.
AEB Deputy Chairman Maria Karas took part in the first meeting of the Coordination Council of the EU-UNDP Project “Supporting local economic development in the Republic of Belarus”, which was held on March 1, 2019.
On March 19, 2019, the companies included in the Plant Protection Committee discussed current issues of the committee's activities and adopted a work plan for 2019.
On March 1, 2019, a meeting was held at the AEB office with representatives of bridgeast.eu, a company that helps Italian companies advance into the East European market.
The Association of European Businesses is the key information partner of the Second Belarusian Forum on Crisis Management and Bankruptcy, which will be held in Minsk on February 28, 2019. In anticipation of the forum, Ekaterina Kubrak, a lawyer, co-organizer of the Second Forum on Crisis Management and Bankruptcy, spoke about the situation with the topic of bankruptcy in Belarus.
AEB Deputy Chairman Maria Karas met with representatives of the World Bank - Chania Kronfall, a specialist in private sector issues, and Alina Monika Antochi, a senior specialist in private sector issues.
AEB Deputy Chairman Maria Karas took part in the first National Forum on Sustainable Development, which was held at the President Hotel on January 24, 2019.
The Association of European Business together with the Investment Consulting Agency AEB held an ethno-picnic on September 20, 2018 – the annual cultural event of the Association.
A member of the Assosoation of European Business, the company JTI was awarded the title "Maecenas of the culture of Belarus 2017". The ceremony of honoring the participants of the republican action "MAecenas of culture of Belarus" was held in the Palace of the Republic. Honorary diplomas were presented to heads and representatives of organizations of different forms of ownership, which during the last year sponsored cultural organizations of the country.
The Association for Intellectual Property Protection “BelBrand” became a new member of the AEB.
The annual general meeting of the AEB members was held at the office of the Association of European Business on March 28, 2018.
In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus No. 78 of March 13, 2018, the Association of European Business is included in the Public Advisory Council on entrepreneurship development under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.
At the annual general meeting of the Global Compact Network in Belarus, which was held on March 14, 2018, the Coordinating Council was formed. From the non-profit sector, the Association of European Business was unanimously elected to the Coordinating Council.
AlfaMilk joined the Association of European Business.
The Association of European Business informs that Emerging Europe has opened the application process for the Emerging Europe Awards, which recognizes excellence and good practice in 23 countries, across a dozen categories divided into three groups: image building, social and economic growth.
We wish you great victories in the business front lines in 2018 :)
On November 28, 2017 the Association of European Business, together with other Belarusian companies, signed in a solemn atmosphere the "Agreement on the interaction of socially responsible companies in Belarus in the implementation of corporate social responsibility projects."
The meeting of the Plant Protection Products Committee of the Association of European Business took place at the AEB office on November 15, 2017.
The joint workshop of the Association of European Business and the Lithuanian Business Confederation was held on November 9, 2017 in the conference hall of the Renaissance Minsk Hotel. The theme of the workshop was «Maximizing capacity of BSOs and local authorities dialogue: towards inclusive decision-making».
The AEB Deputy Chairman Maryna Barouka made a presentation to embassies’ representatives at the information meeting at the British Embassy in Minsk.
Maryna Barouka, the Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business, took part in the meeting of the working group on the investment image of the Republic of Belarus abroad under the FIAC, which was held on August 9, 2017. In her speech, she suggested Belarusian producers and investors to study the experience of European companies, which they use to improve their investment image outside Europe and the EU.

The Association of European Business together with the Investment Consulting Agency AEB held the summer ethno-picnic on July 27, 2017 – the annual cultural event of the Association.
The general meeting of the Association’s members was held on 7 June 2017 in the office of the Association of European Business.

The company JTI, which representative is included in the Supervisory Board of the Association, became an honorary member of the Association of European Business.
The company "Milkavita" joined the Association of European Business.
Artdepartment became a new member of the Association of European Business.
The annual general meeting of the Association’s members was held on 28 February 2017 in the office of the Association of European Business.
A Belarusian-Lithuanian company «VLANPAK», which representative is included in the Supervisory Board of the Association, became an honorary member of the Association of European Business.
The proposals of the Association of European Business are included in the work plan for 2017 on discussion of issues at meetings of the working group on improving the business environment in Belarus under the Advisory Council on Foreign Investments under the Council of Ministers.
Foreign investors in Belarus have to deal with a variety of unexplained from their point of view government initiatives. On the one hand, they are aimed at protecting domestic producers, but on the other – they form the overall negative picture of doing business in Belarus. A striking example of the indirect (non-transparent) measures to support domestic producers is using assortment lists of products manufactured in Belarus, mandatory for the procurement by restaurants and cafes.
The workshop «Maximizing capacity of BSOs and local authorities dialogue: towards inclusive decision-making» was held October 4, 2016 in the Renaissance Minsk Hotel. The event was organized by the Association of European Business thanks to the cooperation with the Lithuanian Business Confederation (Lietuvos Verslo Konfederacija).
Maria Karas, Legal Adviser of the Association of European Business, took part in the series of training workshops on developing legislative framework for the environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment in line with the UNECE Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA in Belarus.
Meeting of the working group on improving the business environment in the Republic of Belarus under the Advisory Council on Foreign Investment under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus will be held on 15 September 2016.
The draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus «On the regulatory impact assessment of draft normative legal acts (their separate positions) affecting the business environment» was prepared and a public consultation was launched.
The Association of European Business received a proposal from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus to participate in the development of project proposals for promoting public-private partnership (PPP).

Philips became a new member of the Association of European Business. Maryna Barouka, the Deputy Chairman of the AEB, during the ceremonial presentation of the certificate noticed that she was glad to see such a technology company among the participants of the Association.
The Association of European Business held the meeting of the HR-committee on 29 March 2016 at which business representatives discussed the problems of personnel availability in Belarus and developed proposals to solve them.

On the eve of the 3rd awarding ceremony on Corporate Social Responsibility the representatives of business and the third sector exchanged their views on the theme "Why is it impossible to cut the budgets for the Corporate Social Responsibility in crisis?" during a discussion organized on the initiative of the International Foundation "Idea" and the Association of European Businesses.

24 students from the BSU, BSEU, BNTU, MSLU, BSUIR and The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President and 20 mentors from 8 companies and 2 business-associations took part in the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative the “Job Shadow Days”, which was held by the Association of European Business in November 2015.
Round table "Introduction of excise taxes on non-alcoholic tonics: planned change in the law" was held by the Association of European Business in the conference hall of the hotel "Minsk" August 27, 2015. During the event the experts in business and healthcare discussed the feasibility of non-alcoholic beverage market regulation.
The ethno-picnic of the Association of European Business took place on July 15, 2015 in the Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle in Strochitsy: representatives of the AEB member companies and partner organizations visited the museum tour, learned to dance Belarusian dances, listened to folk songs performed by Vurai and tried the most delicious Belarusian dishes.
The Representative office of Syngenta Agro Services AG (Swiss Confederation) in the Republic of Belarus became a member of the Association of European Business.
ABB became a member of the Association of European Business. ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, the company employs about 140,000 people and operates in approximately 100 countries. The firm’s shares are traded on the stock exchanges of Zurich, Stockholm and New York.
On April 29, a sectoral discussion "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Small and Medium Businesses". Experts from Belarus and Ukraine, as well as representatives of the private sector, international and Belarusian state institutions, discussed application of CSR principles in small and medium enterprises to develop commercial companies and ensure their economic growth. The discussion in Minsk was organized by the ODB (Brussels) in partnership with the Association of European Business (Minsk).
The Association of European Business took part in the XVI Business Assembly in Minsk on March 4, 2015.
AEB member companies and employees of the AEB attended the IV International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility organized by the Fund Idea on February 26. The Association of European Businesses co-organized the Forum and brought Mr. Christian Katholnigg, the managing director of the Austrian CSR Company International, to speak at the event.
The Association of European Businesses in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy organized a workshop Corporate Governance: Prospects for Development in the Republic of Belarus for the representatives of state authorities and state enterprises on February 19, 2015.
The Association of European Businesses joined the Global Compact Local Network, the most important CSR initiative that unites 12,000 companies and organizations in 140 countries.
Maryna Barouka, the Deputy Chairman of the AEB, became a member of the public advisory board under the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Belarus.
The Association of European Business held the roundtable How Belarusian Can Help in Business on January 15, 2015. Business representatives and experts from different fields discussed the use of Belarusian in business, office management, and advertising.
From September to January 2014, the Association of European Businesses held classes of business Belarusian for its members and other Belarusian and foreign companies. Andrei Paddubski, the head of the international transportation and logistics group of companies “Fabeas”, was a guest speaker in one of the classes and shared his experience of using the Belarusian languagein business and supporting Belarusian public initiatives.
The Association of European Businessesestablished a working group to translate standard legal documents required for business into Belarusian. In particular, the experts translated ten most used documents: certificate of completion, power of attorney, commission agreement, sales contract, contract for services, job appointment order, minutes of a meeting, employment contract, invoice and statute.
In January 2015, Zubr Capital became a member of the Association of European Business. Zubr Capital is the first professional private firm that manages private equity funds in the Republic of Belarus.
The AEB welcomes TRIMM medical (Minsk), a member of the group of companies Trimm-Medicine focused primarily on the Belarusian market. Trimm medical represents the interests of companies Maico (Germany), Stephan (Germany), Tredex (Ukraine), and Weinmann (Germany).
The Association of European Businessesstarted preparing a public report on its activities in 2014. Following the example of the leading European associations and companies, we want to widely announce our mission and attract attention of the companies who share our goals. Public report is one of the tools to demonstrate transparency and openness of our non-profit organization.
More and more companies join the Association of European Businesses! In December 2014, the audit company Baker Tilly Bel became our member. The company has been operating in Belarus since 2004. It is an independent member of the international audit and consulting network Baker Tilly International.
The Association of European Business invited experts from the Ministry of Commerce to speak at the Advertising Committee on December 12, 2014. This meeting of the committee focused on planned changes inlegislation on advertising, practical aspects of advertising, the Concept of Outdoor Advertisingin Minsk in 2008 - 2015, and bidding for the right to place outdoor advertising.
The Association of European Businesses commented the draft decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On Public Contract on Business Incubation of Small Businesses in Science, Technology and Innovation and the draft resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on public contract on business incubation.
On Thursday, November 27, the Association of European Businesses in cooperation with the expats community InterNations held a second joint business cocktail in the wine bar of the Europe hotel. Business cocktails gather heads of foreign representative offices, foreign companies and companies with foreign capital in Belarus, members and partners of the AEB, as well as embassies of the EU countries to establish business contacts, further business partnerships and just for informal communication.
The Association of European Businesses together with an expert Denis Sanko held a panel discussion on best practices in management of organizational changes on November 27, 2014.
On November 27, 2014, a meeting of the Public Environmental Coordination Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus took place. The Deputy Chairman of the AEB Maryna Barouka spoke on behalf of the Association.
The Association of European Businesses organized the round table at the end of Job Shadow Days on November 26, 2014. Mentors and "shadows" shared their experience gained during the initiative.
On November 25, 2014,the Association of European Businesses held a roundtable Protection Mechanisms of the Internal Market: Problems and Prospects in President Hotel, Minsk. Beer and soft drinks producers, Ministry of Taxation, State Marks Department of the Ministry of Finance, the Eurasian Economic Commission, Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, law offices Stepanovski, Papakul and Partners and leading economic media attended the event.
The Association of European Businesses and the State Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Customs Bodies of the Republic of Belarus held the workshop on customs regulations on November 20, 2014.
As a part ofthe Global Entrepreneurship Weekin Belarus the Association of European Businesses held a panel discussion Public-Private Partnership as a Factor in the Investment Climate in Belarus.
Press conference at the beginning of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Belarus 2014 (GEW 2014) was held on November 17, 2014. Organizers and partners of GEW 2014 told the media about the main events of the week.
The Association of European Business, the Swedish Institute and the Belarusian State University held a training workshop Gender Rights and Opportunities on November 13. The workshop participants discussed the challenges that today's men and women in Belarus face and the implementation of the National Action Plan of the Government on Gender Equality for 2011-2015.
Annual Kastrycnicki Economic Forum took place in Minskon November 4th-5th at Europe Hotel. The Association of European Businesses, one of the partners of the Forum, organized a round table Belarus: Long-term Challenges and Possible Solutions and a reception to celebrate opening of the Forum and the fifth anniversary of the AEB.
Another meeting of the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of Belarus took place on October 31, 2014. Yauhen Mardasevich, the Head of GR with the AEB, and Maryna Dymovich, the Head of Legal with the AEB, took part in the discussion.
We hereby have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the Job Shadow Days which will take place during the week of November 17th, 2014. This CSR initiative will be implemented in cooperation with the Swedish Institute.
Yauhen Mardasevich, the Head of GR with the Association of European Business, spoke at the first meeting of the student scientific laboratory at the Belarusian State Economic University under the project Expert Opinion on October 24.
Now the Association of European Business can assist European companies in public-private partnership projects in Belarus. Maryna Barouka, the Deputy Chairman of the Association, completed the training on the theory and practice of implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) projects.
The Association of European Business joined the Advisory Board under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus. Maryna Barouka, the Deputy Chairman of the AEB, was officially listed as a member of the Board.
On October 8, 2014, representatives of business, civil society organizations and educational institutions discussed innovative approaches to corporate social responsibility in Belarus in the office of the Association of European Businesses. The event was organized under the auspices of the Swedish Institute.
At the meeting with participation of the Ambassador of Finland to Lithuania and Belarus Harri Mäki-Reinikka of October 3, 2014, Finnish companies and investors discussed the business climate in Belarus and current projects on bilateral cooperation between our countries.
Another meeting of the Sectorial Council of Management Qualifications took place on September 30, 2014. Yauhen Mardasevich, Head of GR with the Association of European Businesses, is a member of the Council and took part in the meeting.
The Association of European Business took part in the seminar Business Opportunities of the Republic of Belarus, which was held in the conference room of Swedbanka AS in Riga on September 17, 2014. The seminar was organized by the The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA).
On September 23, 2014, the draft law on collection and private bailiffs was discussed at the regular meeting of the Public Advisory (Expert) Board at the Ministry of Justice chaired by Igor Tushinsky, the Deputy Minister of Justice. Yauhen Mardasevich, the Head of GR with the Association of European Business, took part in the work of the Board.
AEB experts held a series of meetings with the heads of Lithuanian private companies, business associations and chambers of commerce on September 15-16, 2014.
On September 4, 2014, we held a workshop Green Offices as a part of four SI alumni events in Minsk under the support ofthe Swedish Institute in partnership with the Belarusian State University and the Association of European Businesses (AEB) during the European Intercultural Festival.The workshop Green Offices, which was organized by Maryna Barouka, Ph.D.,associate professor of BSU, Deputy Chairman of the AEB, and Liudmila Fakeyeva, Ph.D., associate professor of BSU, brought together business, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to discuss how to make offices more environmentally friendly and economical. British American Tobacco, a member of the AEB, Phillips-Belarus, Office for Democratic Belarus and the International Public Association “Ecoproject “Partnership” were partners and experts to the workshop.
On August 28th, the Association of European Business held its Foreign Economic Activity Committee. This time, the Committee focused its attention on current issues of advance payments in foreign trade contracts and related problems.
On August 26, the Hotel Crowne Plaza Minsk hosted a seminar for government officials on excise taxation of tobacco products in different countries, including the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEC). The seminar was organized by the Association of European Business under support of JTI (Japan Tobacco International), the member of the Association.
On August 15, the Association of European Businesses hosted a mediation workshop. JTI, Pedersen & Partners, IPM Business School, Representative Office of "E-Engineering", OPTIMED, Ciklum Minsk, ALBION, School of aesthetic education, Exchange of organizational development, Belarusian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, as well as eminent mediation experts Lilia Vlasova, the Head of Center of Mediation and Negotiation, and Marina Boyko, the Head of Mediation Services were among the workshop participants.
On Friday 15th August, the Association of European Business and the InterNations Community for expats in Belarus hosted the first joint business networking event in the wine bar of the hotel ‘’Europe’’.
The Association of European Businesses joined the discussion of the draft law on charity. On August 7, Maryna Dymovich, the head of legal with the Association, took part in a working meeting to discuss the draft Concept of the Law On Public Benefiting Activities, which is being prepared by International Educational Public Association Act.
Travelling back in time in Belarus is possible! This learned the guests of the ethno-picnic Journey to the Past organized by the Association of European Business for its members and friends on July 17 in the unique Skansen-type museum Strochitsy.
The professional guides, whose stories allowed imagining the life of the Belarusians in the 18th – 19th centuries in every detail, accompanied the guests through the amazing atmosphere of the Belarusian village created in the open-air museum.
The Association of European Business (AEB) took part in the meeting of the Latvian business club held on June 12th at the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Belarus.
НR – committee, new initiatives, new development
On May 27th, the Association of European Business united HR-representatives of the leading international and Belarusian companies for the second meeting of its HR-Committee.
Committees are regular meetings of professionals who gather once a month in the offices of the Association to discuss problems common for a given area of business, to work on finding solutions, as well as to support interests of the committee’s participants. The HR-Committee works on improving business environment in the HR sector under the auspices of the Association. Lola Trapsch, Country Manager at Pedersen&Partners, is the moderator of the HR-Committee.
The Association of European Business will take part in the first congress on public-private partnership Public-Private Partnership Days in Belarus, which is to be held in Minsk, Belarus on
May 27 – 30, 2014. The congress will discuss relevant practices and recent governmental legal and policy initiatives in the area of public-private partnership by various international finance institutions.
The congress was organized under the joint project of the EU, the UNDP and the Ministry of Economy of Belarus Capacity Development to Support Implementation of Public-Private Partnership in Belarus.
The business club France-Belarus will facilitate trade and economic cooperation between the two states, head of the club Patrick Burdonne said at the opening ceremony of this public organization on 5 February.
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) will assist Belarus in improving its investment attractiveness for investors so that by the time of the 79th IEC General Assembly in October 2015 Belarus could demonstrate concrete investment projects, Yuri Pashnik, Secretary of the Belarusian National Committee at the IEC, Director of OAO BELLIS Testing and Certification of Home Appliances and Industrial Products, told reporters on 29 January.
From November 18th to 24th 2013 the Global Entrepreneurship Week took place in Minsk, organized by BEL.BIZ. Association of European Business in Belarus was a partner and the sponsor of the Corporation day on November 19th, and also initiated a round table “Innovations as the national economy strategy”. The participants exchanged their views on current situation and prospects of introduction of innovations in the national economy, as well as on specificity of innovative entrepreneurship in Belarus.
On the 5th of November the IPM Research Center holds a conference "New Opportunities or Old Challenges? Scenarios for Belarus Economy". It is a first event organized within Kastryčnicky Ekanamičny Forum (KEF), designed as a new open platform for professional dialogue on Belarus’ sustainable development.
Any successful business is based on timely, complete and unbiased information on the market, its potential and risks, competitive environment, etc. It is precisely such information – specific and practice-focused – which foreign companies and businessmen are so often short of while taking decision of developing their business in Belarus.

Associations of European Business exist in over 20 countries of the world. They have no single structure and are not united by any coordinator. The idea of creating an AEB in Belarus belongs to the Head of IPM Pavel Daneyko.
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Business Maria Karas took part in a meeting of the advisory council under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus.