The Association of European Business is Ready to Assist European Companies in PPP Projects


Now the Association of European Business can assist European companies in public-private partnership projects in Belarus. Maryna Barouka, the Deputy Chairman of the Association, completed the training on the theory and practice of implementation of public-private partnership (PPP) projects.

The training, which took place in September 2014 in Minsk, was designed for national trainers, coaches and coordinators and was organized under the joint project of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme Strengthening National Capacities in the Use of Public-Private Partnership Mechanisms in the Republic of Belarus. More than 80 participants attended the training sessions, among them representatives of the Belarusian ministries and agencies, science and technology parks, higher education institutions, expert community, financial institutions, business and entrepreneurship development centers. Lectures and seminars took over 40 hours, and at the end of the training course all participants were tested on their knowledge of the material studied.

The main objective of the course was to transfer the experience and knowledge of international PPP consultants to the local professionals and to enhance their knowledge in the areas related to the PPP and implementation of the PPP projects. The curriculum of the course covered theoretical aspects of public-private partnership, project cycle and competitive dialogue for selecting the private partner, distribution of risks in PPP projects, project financing, legal regulation of the PPP in Belarus, entering into an agreement with a PPP partner, as well as marketing and public awareness.