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Syngenta (Swiss Confederation) is a crop protection products and seeds producer. The company occupies the first place among the producers of plant protection products and the third place in the world seed market.
The company's products are used in 120 countries on all continents, in different climatic zones and conditions. More than 28,000 employees in more than 90 countries are involved in finding solutions to increase the efficiency of the agricultural sector. The manufactured products cover the whole range of crops, and despite the wide geographic distribution, solve problems in each region in accordance with the local farmers requirements. Syngenta offers farmers complex solutions instead of separate products. Thinking as a producer is one of the important strategies of each employee.
The company does not forget about the social responsibility and pays considerable attention to environmental issues. Syngenta spends nearly $3.000.000on research daily.
The AEB member is the Representative office of Syngenta Agro Services AG (Swiss Confederation) in the Republic of Belarus. The Representative office works since 2000. The majority of Belarusian farms (including greenhouses) in six regions use the company's products thanks to the close cooperation with farmers at all levels of the agricultural sector. The high agricultural productivity is also the result of the company’s activities.