The AEB sent its proposals for amendments to the Labor Code


The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Department for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus on amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus in the framework of the preparation of the Draft Law "On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus".

It was suggested:

To amend the wording of Part 1 of Art. 174 of the Labor Code, stating it as follows: “By agreement between the employee and the employer, labor leave may be divided into parts, unless otherwise provided by the collective agreement, agreement. Moreover, one part must be at least 14 calendar days. " In this case, the employee's right to good rest (14 calendar days) will be preserved, while the employee also has the opportunity to divide the vacation into more than 2 parts, which gives more flexibility in planning the rest to the employee and contributes to more efficient work of the employer.

Provide in art. 50 of the Labor Code using of electronic work books. The introduction of a system of electronic work books will simplify access to information about the employee's labor activity, ensure the complete safety of this information, reduce the amount of paperwork and increase the ease of filling out. This innovation can be implemented in the context of modernization of the National Automated Information System, which is one of the key components of BISRS and the core of e-government, provided for by the State Program "Digital Development of Belarus" for 2021 - 2025.